Experimental Condensed Matter-PhD-Dr. Junjie Yang @NJIT

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**Recruitment of Ph.D. Students in the Research Group of Dr. Junjie Yang, Department of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology**

Dr. Junjie Yang has been awarded the NSF CAREER Award and is also funded by the DOE Basic Energy Sciences Program. The research group mainly focuses on studying collective quantum behavior in crystalline materials using neutron scattering and high magnetic fields (up to ~65 T), such as various topological magnetic structures and phase transitions. Currently, the group has several single-crystal growth facilities, a low-temperature (1.6 K, 9 T) vibrating sample magnetometer, and basic physical property characterization. The primary experiments are conducted at the neutron sources (e.g., Oak Ridge National Lab, NIST Center for Neutron Research, and ANSTO), and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Los Alamos National Lab. Dr. Yang has published more than 60 papers in journals, including Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Science Advances, npj Quantum Materials, Physical Review Letters, and Advanced Electronic Materials.

**Ph.D. Admission Requirements:**
Applicants should have a bachelor's or master's degree in physics, chemistry, materials science, or a related field. They should have an interest and enthusiasm for fundamental scientific research, be proactive and team-oriented. Interested students are encouraged to send their resumes and transcripts to [email protected].

**Additional Information:**
The annual stipend for Ph.D. students at the New Jersey Institute of Technology is $46,000.