埃默里大学计算机系Dr. Liang Zhao课题组2024夏季招聘研究助理
埃默里大学计算机系Dr. Liang Zhao课题组2024夏季招聘研究助理
导师介绍:Liang Zhao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Emory University since Fall 2020. Before that, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Information Science and Technology as well as the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University. He graduated as PhD from Virginia Tech in Fall 2016. His research direction includes data mining, machine learning, and optimization. He has won Cisco Faculty Research Award in 2023, Meta Research Award in 2022, AWS Machine Learning Research Award 2021, CIFellow Mentor in 2021, NSF CAREER Award in 2020, Jeffress Trust Award in 2019, Outstanding Doctoral Student of CS Department at Virginia Tech in 2017. He was recognized as one of “Top 20 Rising Stars in Data Mining” in 2016 by Microsoft. He won the Best Paper Award in ICDM 2019 and Best Paper Award Final List 2021. He is currently an IEEE senior member. For more details of Dr. Zhao, please refer to his homepage: cs.emory.edu~lzhao41/
实验室和项目简介:Dr. Liang Zhao 领导的实验室现有11名博士、及多位研究生和本科生。实验室目前由多个基础科学研究项目资助,资金充足。致力于数据挖掘,机器学习,以及非凸优化领域的基础研究,比如图网络深度学习和生成,时空数据挖掘,可解释以及分布式深度学习,生物启发式人工智能。并运用他们解决前沿实际问题,比如事件预测,医疗,蛋白质结构预测,脑结构建模,集成电路设计等。学术成果集中发表于数据挖掘,人工智能,机器学习顶级会议期刊如:NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, KDD, TKDE, ICDM, Proceedings of the IEEE, TKDD, IJCAI, AAAI, WWW, 和ACM Computing Surveys。所招职位均为基础研究并同时解决前沿实际问题。
Topics of Interest:
Applications (AI+X), where X=:
- 美国综合排名常年Top 20 (by US.NEWS)。
- 世界排名常年 Top 70左右 (by US.NEWS, Times, etc.)。
- 位于全美第9大城市亚特兰大市,是全美亚洲人比例最高城市之一,安全方便。
- 计算机排名 Top 30 (by TFE), 64 (by US.NEWS). 计算机系于2018年单独成系,近些年在快速扩建。
- 本科和硕士为计算机及相关专业,很强的编程能力。 本科为(应用)数学和物理专业也可申请。
- 有已发表论文或较强数学基础优先。
- 对科学研究和高水平学术成果有很强热情。
感兴趣的同学请发送简历,本科(及硕士)成绩单,到Dr. Liang Zhao: [email protected]
导师介绍:Liang Zhao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Emory University since Fall 2020. Before that, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Information Science and Technology as well as the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University. He graduated as PhD from Virginia Tech in Fall 2016. His research direction includes data mining, machine learning, and optimization. He has won Cisco Faculty Research Award in 2023, Meta Research Award in 2022, AWS Machine Learning Research Award 2021, CIFellow Mentor in 2021, NSF CAREER Award in 2020, Jeffress Trust Award in 2019, Outstanding Doctoral Student of CS Department at Virginia Tech in 2017. He was recognized as one of “Top 20 Rising Stars in Data Mining” in 2016 by Microsoft. He won the Best Paper Award in ICDM 2019 and Best Paper Award Final List 2021. He is currently an IEEE senior member. For more details of Dr. Zhao, please refer to his homepage: cs.emory.edu~lzhao41/
实验室和项目简介:Dr. Liang Zhao 领导的实验室现有11名博士、及多位研究生和本科生。实验室目前由多个基础科学研究项目资助,资金充足。致力于数据挖掘,机器学习,以及非凸优化领域的基础研究,比如图网络深度学习和生成,时空数据挖掘,可解释以及分布式深度学习,生物启发式人工智能。并运用他们解决前沿实际问题,比如事件预测,医疗,蛋白质结构预测,脑结构建模,集成电路设计等。学术成果集中发表于数据挖掘,人工智能,机器学习顶级会议期刊如:NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, KDD, TKDE, ICDM, Proceedings of the IEEE, TKDD, IJCAI, AAAI, WWW, 和ACM Computing Surveys。所招职位均为基础研究并同时解决前沿实际问题。
Topics of Interest:
- Explainable AI and human-AI Interaction
- Structure-guided Representation Learning and Deep Generative Models
- Controllable and Causal Data Generation
- Graph Neural Networks
- Large Language Models for Graph Mining
- Accelerating Large Language Models
- Multi-modal Foundational Models
- Spatiotemporal Data Mining
Applications (AI+X), where X=:
- Medical Imaging and Neuroimaging
- Cancer Communication
- Neuromorophology
- Molecular Design and Properties Prediction
- Geographical Information System
- Solar Imaging and solar-physics
- And others.
- 美国综合排名常年Top 20 (by US.NEWS)。
- 世界排名常年 Top 70左右 (by US.NEWS, Times, etc.)。
- 位于全美第9大城市亚特兰大市,是全美亚洲人比例最高城市之一,安全方便。
- 计算机排名 Top 30 (by TFE), 64 (by US.NEWS). 计算机系于2018年单独成系,近些年在快速扩建。
- 本科和硕士为计算机及相关专业,很强的编程能力。 本科为(应用)数学和物理专业也可申请。
- 有已发表论文或较强数学基础优先。
- 对科学研究和高水平学术成果有很强热情。
感兴趣的同学请发送简历,本科(及硕士)成绩单,到Dr. Liang Zhao: [email protected]