分享使用 GPT 优化简历的小技巧

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使用 GPT 的过程中,发现它的写简历以及优化简历的能力也不错,所以我分享一些 prompt 希望可以帮助到大家:

1. 先让 GPT 写个草稿,里面包括格式以及你的背景简介(如果你本身有自己的简历,可以跳过这一步)

Write a new grad software engineer resume

Desired format:

university name and major
list of skill
company, role
project name (skill list)

Text: I just graduated from A university and major in B, I have one swe intership at C company using Java and Spring to develop restful API. I did project like search-engine (python) and youtube-like applications (java)
2. 我得到的回复:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, A University

Java, Spring, Python, Restful API development, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Git

Intern Software Engineer, C Company June 2020 - August 2020 - Developed Restful APIs using Java and Spring for a healthcare management system - Collaborated with team members to ensure timely delivery of software components - Participated in code reviews and provided feedback to improve overall code quality

Search-Engine (Python)
- Developed a search engine using Python, which utilized web scraping techniques to gather data from websites and pre-process it for searching
- Applied data structures and algorithms such as binary search and tree traversal for efficient searching

Youtube-like Application (Java)
- Built a video sharing and streaming application using Java and MySQL for database management
- Implemented features such as video upload, search, liking, commenting, and user authentication
- Utilized concepts such as Object-Oriented Programming and MVC architecture for modular and scalable codebase.
3. 将岗位 JD 给 GPT,让它根据 JD 来调整:(给几个大厂的就可以,如果有时间的话可以针对不同的岗位来调整简历)

There are the job qualifications and responsibilities I'm applying for

- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
- 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages, and with data structures/algorithms.
- 1 year of experience testing, maintaining, or launching software products, and 1 year of experience with software design and architecture.

- Review code developed by other engineers and provide feedback to ensure best practices (e.g., style guidelines, checking code in, accuracy, testability, and efficiency).
- Contribute to existing documentation or educational content and adapt content based on product/program updates and user feedback.
- Triage product or system issues and debug/track/resolve by analyzing the sources of issues and the impact on hardware, network, or service operations and quality.
- Participate in, or lead design reviews with peers and stakeholders to decide amongst available technologies.

Modify the project description on my resume to meet Qualifications and Responsibilities requirements.
4. 我得到的回复:


Software Developer at X Company
- Collaborated with a team of engineers to develop and launch software products - Utilized Java and Python programming languages to design and implement data structures and algorithms
- Conducted unit and integration testing to ensure high-quality and reliable software products - Reviewed code of other engineers and provided feedback to maintain coding best practices
- Maintained and updated existing documentation and educational content for software products - Participated in design reviews with stakeholders to decide on available technologies
- Tackled product/system issues by analyzing potential sources of issues and their impact on hardware, network, or service operations and quality


Online Marketplace Platform (Java) - Led a team of 3 in building an online marketplace platform
- Utilized Java programming language to develop backend server and RESTful API
- Designed and implemented data structures and algorithms to support robust platform functionality
- Conducted software testing, debugging and resolved issues by analyzing source and root causes
- Reviewed code of other team members and provided feedback to ensure code quality and maintain best practices
5. 让它给点量化指标的灵感
Try to add 5 example numbers and metrics in the Experience and Projects des like reduce 50% API request time to make it more impressive

6. 我得到的回复:

Experience: Software Developer at X Company
- Developed and launched 3 successful software products in a team of 5 within a timeframe of 6 months
- Reduced the product's API request time by 50%, leading to optimized system performance and improved user experience
- Implemented clean and efficient coding practices which resulted in a 25% increase in overall code quality
- Conducted over 200 unit tests and detected and resolved 99% of issues before product release
- Improved the communication and collaboration within the team by implementing Agile methodology, resulting in 30% faster project completion.

Projects: Online Marketplace Platform (Java)
- Successfully completed the project within the given deadline, delivering all the promised functionalities and features
- Optimized backend server response time by 40% by implementing advanced caching techniques and API indexing
- Developed the platform's Restful API, utilizing Swagger UI, reducing the API call response time by 50%
- Managed and resolved over 150 bugs during the QA process, resulting in a 98% acceptance rate
- Received a 4.8/5 rating on the platform from 1000+ active users, indicating high user satisfaction with the product.

7. 现在就有一个不错的基础版本了,可以用一些关键字来减少 AI 的感觉,让大家看不出来是 AI 写的,例如 prompt 加上 “using normal english”. 欢迎大家提供其他 prompt 😄。


补充内容 (2024-04-25 10:17 +08:00):

希望大家多多加米,加米之后会继续分享其他 GPT 求职小技巧😄

补充内容 (2024-05-12 11:16 +08:00):

感谢大家喜欢😄,最新的版本更新在 ac.nlogk.com,我加了 OpenAI 的 Playground 让各位可以直接试用。
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