马里兰大学招CS/EE Ph.D(有全奖), 欢迎国家公派留学人员

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University of Maryland, Baltimore County招CS/EE Ph.D(有全奖), 同时也欢迎国家公派留学人员, 代发全文如下(请直接联系教授)

根据2014年最新的U.S. News & World Report America’s Best Colleges指南,UMBC在进步最快的大学(Top Up-and-Coming)排名中夺得榜首。同时该校在全美本科生教育排名中(Undergraduate Teaching)与斯坦福大学并列第四位, (前三名分别是 Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Yale University)。在2008年普林斯顿大学出版的Princeton Review Guide的最佳366所大学的评选中UMBC大学在学生 多元化(Diverse Student Populations)的评选中名列第二。卡耐基基金会将马里兰巴尔的摩分校分类到较多研究活动的研究型大学中。同时该校校长Freeman A. Hrabowski也被U.S. News &WorldReport评为2008年度全美最杰出的领导(America's Best Leaders ),是唯一一位荣膺此项荣誉的大学校长。




Multiple PhD positions with full financial support is now available (starting from Spring 2015) with Dr. Ting Zhu in the department of Computer Sciences at UMBC (a Research-I university, the highest rating issued by the Carnegie Foundation).

Baltimore is very close to big cities (such as Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Washington D.C.), which have a lot of potential job opportunities.
Dr. Zhu is focusing on the areas of Smart Grids, big data, security, embedded systems, mobile systems, wireless and sensor networks. He has published more than 50 papers in top journals and conferences including TON, TOSN, NSDI, SenSys, MobiSys, INFOCOM, ICCPS, e-Energy, and ICNP. He is also actively collaborating with researchers from both industry and academia. His graduated students are now working in famous companies, such as IBM and Cisco. For more information, please visit:


For those who are interested in pursuing PhD or Master at UMBC, it's fine if you only have a bachelor degree in CS or EE before joining UMBC. UMBC will provide financial support even for a Master Degree. If you have experience or are interested in any of these areas (embedded systems, big data, security, wireless networks, wireless sensor networks, power systems, and smart grid), please send your resume, personal statements, publications, GRE, TOEFL scores, and everything else that you believe will help your application as attachments in a single email to: 1point3acres.com

For those who are interested in working as visiting scholars / postdocs, you should have strong research background and implementation skills. Please send your resume, personal statements, publications, and everything else that you believe will help your application as attachments in a single email to: 1point3acres.com
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