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[学校名称] Harvard Univerisity
[项目名称] Terminal AM Program in Statistics
[项目主页] statistics.fas.harvard.edu
[网申入口] gsas.harvard.edu
[申请截止日期] December 1, 2014, 5 p.m. EST
[GT最低要求] G: 官网未说明; T: 80
[申请费] $105
[其他] 关于 math sub: "No, but some faculty do want to see the Math subject test score. It is strongly recommended to take it only if the applicant is confident of doing well."

[学校名称] University of Wisconsin Madison
[项目名称] Master of Statistical Science Programs
[项目主页] stat.wisc.edu
[网申入口] gradsch.wisc.edu
[GT最低要求]T 92
[申请费] $56


[学校名称] Colorado State University
[项目名称] Master of Applied Statistics (MAS)
[项目主页] stat.colostate.edu
[网申入口] stat.colostate.edu
[申请截止日期] March 31st, 2015
[GT最低要求] T 80, or 6.0 IELTS
[申请费] $50
[其他] subject tests are not required, but may be added to your file if you wish to include them

[学校名称] University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[项目名称] M.S. in Statistics
[项目主页] stat.illinois.edu
[网申入口] grad.illinois.edu
[申请截止日期] April 1, 2015
[GT最低要求] G: 无最低要求; T: 92 或者 雅思:6.5
[申请费] $90
[其他] The GRE Subject Test in Mathematics is not required but is very helpful, especially for Ph.D. applicants.

[学校名称] University of California, Davis
[项目名称] M.S. Program in Statistics
[项目主页] stat.ucdavis.edu
[网申入口] app.applyyourself.com
[申请截止日期] May 15, 2015
[GT最低要求] G: 295; T: 80 或者 雅思:7
[申请费] $110
[其他] 不需要sub成绩
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