3/8/3024 温哥华F1续签 卡approved

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3/8 - 面签,窗口告知approved, 简单问了点关于博士期间和现在工作的research 内容, 非敏感专业。当天CEAC查到approved

3/14 - CEAC 依然显示approved, 刚刚给领馆发邮件询问有没有可能在3/19之前拿到(3/19回美国的机票,加上PTO有限),竟然秒回说不太可能在3/19之前拿到,并且领馆不能给status update:
"Thank you for your email. Your case is currently under review. Unfortunately, we cannot estimate how long the process will take. Please do not send requests for the status of your case as we are unable to provide updates. You will only be contacted if we need additional documents/information in support of your application. Once your visa is issued it takes 5-7 business days for you to receive it, so I don’t believe it will be ready for you by that date."


补充内容 (2024-03-22 06:34 +08:00):
3/21 今天第十个工作日,又邮件问了一下能不能取护照,因为看另外那篇万字详解的时候说到最后领馆不鼓励取护照因为可能快申完了,所以想试探一下,结果秒收到回复说没问题我们可以把护照寄给你, 感觉要凉🥲
"As mentioned in the previous email, your case is still under review and thus has not been issued yet. Since we cannot estimate how long the process may take, we can return your passport to you via courier to the selection chosen on your profile and once the review on your case is completed, we can give you instructions on how to courier the passport back to us."

补充内容 (2024-03-29 08:07 +08:00):
3/28 - 今天从approved 变成refused了,并且收到了AP的邮件,目前没有通知要提交材料,好几位群友今天也收到了同样的approved 改refused

"Upon further review of your case, the consular officer determined that your case requires additional processing. Your application is now under the administrative processing. The whole process is done electronically so we have no control over the time it could potentially take. Rest assured you will be contacted if we need any additional documents/information in support of your application or once the administrative processing is complete and we are ready to move forward with your case."

补充内容 (2024-04-08 11:42 +08:00):
4/5 - 最后更新一下,4/5直接收到了tracking number, 最后签证上写的是4/5 issued, 记得4/4 查的时候还是refused, 不知道这中间有没有变回approved. 给了五年!
