美国爱荷华州立大学全奖博士生招生:Electrical Engineering, Power System

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Iowa State University 王兆宇教授课题组 (wzy.ece.iastate.edu) 现招多名全奖PHD学生,入学时间灵活,包括 Fall 2024, Spring/Summer 2025。课题组主要从事人工智能,大数据,优化和控制理论在智能配电网和微电网中的应用,承担大量美国能源部和科学基金会的科研项目,近五年科研经费超过一千万美金。课题组与美国多个电力公司和国家实验室长期保持紧密合作,全部研究都基于实际电网数据和模型,学生毕业迅速,就业前景十分广阔。近年在高水平期刊共发表117篇论文,其中86篇发表在IEEE TRANS. POWER SYSTEMS 和 IEEE TRANS. SMART GRID上。感兴趣的同学请将简历发至1point3acres.com


Iowa State University 的Electrical Power and Energy Systems Program 是美国历史最悠久的电力系统项目之一,过去五十余年一直保持全美领先地位,曾经培养过多位美国工程院院士,校友遍布全美电力行业。Iowa State University 位于风景优美,环境安全的Ames市,常年被评为美国最宜居的地区之一。

Zhaoyu Wang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the Northrop Grumman Endowed Associate Professor with Iowa State University. His research interests include optimization and data analytics in power distribution systems and microgrids. He was the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Outstanding Young Engineer Award, the Northrop Grumman Endowment, College of Engineering's Early Achievement in Research Award, and the Harpole-Pentair Young Faculty Award Endowment. He is the Principal Investigator for a multitude of projects funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, National Laboratories, PSERC, and Iowa Economic Development Authority. He is the Technical Committee Program Chair (TCPC) of IEEE Power System Operation, Planning and Economics (PSOPE) Committee, the Chair of PSOPE Awards Subcommittee, the Vice Chair of IEEE Distribution System Operation and Planning Subcommittee, and the Vice Chair of IEEE Task Force on Advances in Natural Disaster Mitigation Methods. He is an Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, IEEE OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY, IEEE POWER ENGINEERING LETTERS, and IET Smart Grid. He was an Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS and IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID.

Dr. Zhaoyu Wang's group (wzy.ece.iastate.edu) at Iowa State University has multiple immediate openings for Graduate Research Assistants. Our research interests include big data analytics, machine learning, optimization, and control, with applications to power distribution systems and microgrids.

The applicants should be self-motivated with strong mathematical background and good programming skills. The candidates are expected to have research experience in one of the following areas including control and dynamic modeling, mathematical optimization, machine learning, and big data analytics. A MS in related disciplines is preferred for GRA positions. All GRA positions cover full tuition and competitive compensation. Interested applicants should send a detailed CV in PDF to Dr. Zhaoyu Wang at 1point3acres.com

NOTE: GRE can be waived if needed


Zhaoyu Wang Ph.D.
Northrop Grumman Endowed Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Iowa State University

Email: 1point3acres.com

Homepage: wzy.ece.iastate.edu