Multiple Fully Funded PhD Positions, Clemson University, ECE, Fall 24

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Multiple fully funded Ph.D. positions are available in Dr. Lan Zhang's group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University, starting in Fall 2024. Research areas include collaborative machine learning, wireless communications, semantic communications, on-device machine learning, IoT and CPS applications. A GRE score is not required.

If you're interested please send your CV and transcript to [email protected]. Applications will continue to be reviewed until the positions are filled.

Dr. Lan Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University. Before joining Clemson University, she was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University (2020-2023). Dr. Zhang’s research interests include distributed machine learning, wireless communications, and cybersecurity in a wide range of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications and Cyber-Physical Systems. Her current research is supported by multiple National Science Foundation (NSF) awards. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of several awards, including the NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award in 2022 and the Michigan Tech Research Excellence Fund (REF) Award in 2021. She has been an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) since 2021, and a guest editor of IEEE Network, special issue: "Advanced Networking and Applications for Metaverse and Web 3.0".  Dr. Zhang serves as a panelist of the National Science Foundation (NSF), on the program committees of top conferences such as the IEEE ICDCS, AAAI, and IEEE GLOBECOM, and as a reviewer for prestigious IEEE journals.

Research Group Website:

克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)是一所世界著名的公立综合研究型大学,位于美国南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森市,成立于1889年。克莱姆森大学被卡内基高等教育机构分类归类为“R1:博士大学——非常高的研究活动”。克莱姆森大学常年位居全美公立大学排名前30,其是南卡罗来纳州 (South Carolina, SC) 排名最高的大学。克莱姆森大学通过结合两种模式来重新确立自己“一流的研究型大学”的地位,分别是专业研究的科学技术能力和将高度参与的学术,以及社会环境凝聚在小学院内。

克莱姆森大学为学生提供了80多个专业学科,根据U.S. News发布的数据显示,学校最受欢迎的两个专业为工程专业和商科专业。 另外,管理、营销、生物和生物医学科学等专业也广受学生好评。克莱姆森大学拥有顶级的教学资源和学习环境,其学术资源、社区服务和社交机会也是一流。同时,学校的学术课程十分严谨而具有竞争力,吸引了大批全世界各国的优秀教师和学生。在克莱姆森大学,所有的学生都被鼓励参与本科合作研究计划,目的就是为了提高学生的批判思维能力和问题解决的能力,同时也意在磨砺学生的沟通与表达能力。克莱姆森大学以独特的管理制度、促进稳定的领导、学院的独特结构,创造了无与伦比的合作气氛,并推动竞争精神,鼓励教师、学生及职工拥有大胆的目标。
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