


Assigning an exact IELTS score to a piece of writing is subjective, as it depends on various factors, including vocabulary range, grammatical accuracy, coherence, and task achievement. However, I can provide you with an estimated score range based on common IELTS band descriptors:

Your original writing demonstrates a good command of English, and the ideas are generally clear. However, there are some grammar errors, and the expression could be refined for greater clarity. Here's a rough estimate:

Estimated IELTS Writing Score: *.5 to *.0

To improve your score, focus on refining sentence structures, addressing grammar issues, and ensuring that your ideas flow seamlessly. Additionally, pay attention to word choice and consider using a more varied range of vocabulary where possible.

ieltscat.xdf.cn 上的机考模拟器里,并没有给出作文评判或估分。还有哪里的网站或软件app可以实时对作文评判估分?
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