加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 招收电磁、无线通信、AI方向全奖硕士、博士、博士后、访问学者

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【招生】加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)Electrical and Computer Engineering学院Prof. Xingqi Zhang课题组现有多个全奖硕士、博士、博士后、访问学者Opening。
【学校简介】全球 Top 1% , 多年来与多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、英属哥伦比亚大学等稳居加拿大前五(CWUR世界排名76,软科世界排名91,QS世界排名110),是加拿大顶尖的研究型大学。学校位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省省会城市Edmonton,高新企业聚集,生活环境舒适。

【课题简介】The positions generally involve theoretical and applied research in electromagnetics and wireless communications. The research projects cover a broad range of topics, with a particular focus on the development of high-performance computational models/algorithms for emerging wireless technologies in 5G/6G/THz wireless communications, intelligent transportation (air, ground, underground), underwater communications, Internet of Things, as well as biomedical sensing and healthcare applications. The successful candidates are expected to conduct research, particularly, but not exclusively in the following topics:
(1) Radio wave propagation and scattering (indoor, urban, terrestrial, body-centric), integrated sensing & communication, localization.
(2) Multiphysics/multiscale modeling for electromagnetic, micro-/nano-electronic, and biomedical applications.
(3) Physics-based modeling and optimization of wireless sensor networks in cyber-physical systems.
(4) Metasurface-assisted wireless communications, reconfigurable intelligent surface, EMC/EMI, antenna & RF/microwave/millimeter-wave design and measurement.
(5) Application of machine learning or stochastic uncertainty quantification techniques in electromagnetics and wireless communications.
Specific research topics will depend on the candidate’s background. The candidate will have a chance to work with industry partners and international collaborators.

【硕士/博士申请要求】雅思7以上(单项至少6)或托福92以上(单项至少21)或 Duolingo 120以上(单项至少100)。有海外学位的同学不需要提供语言证明。详见ualberta.ca
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