[Ph.D.]大纽约新泽西理工大学全奖Ph.D.-FinTech/CS/data science招人啦 Dr.Dantong Yu

Dr. Dantong Yu, I am the Hurlburt Chair Professor at Martin Tuchman School of Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, I lead several research projects in FinTech, Machine Learning, Deep Learning in Science, and Business applications.
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/dantongyu

Contact Email: dtyu njit.edu
Prospective Students (January/2024): I am recruiting motivated multiple Ph.D. students in the areas of FinTech (Bonds, Stocks, Mutual Funds, and Financial market networks), Biomedical (EHR), and network analysis (how network structure affects information propagation and whether companies profit from the motif of information propagation).  I also have several immediate Ph.D. openings to work on several projects funded by DOE in 2023-2025.   The recruited students will work on real-world science projects and design new ML models that have a wide range of applications, including DOE science domains (Physics event processing) and business applications. My students will also have a summer internship opportunity at bnl.gov.  You can find sites.google.com.   If you are interested in the Ph.D. program in Business Data Science, please send your CV.    Our School is actively reviewing applicants.  If you are interested in working with me, njit.edu at the School of Management of NJIT.  
