香港城市大学cityu cs phd招生
研究方向: 计算智能、深度学习、AutoML及其他相关领域,更多信息请访问个人主页
- 研究方向讲求科研价值与实际系统落地相统一,科研、找工相互促进
- 团队与华为、腾讯等企业界联系紧密,积极提供互联网大厂实习内推
- 与美国密歇根州立大学Kalyanmoy Deb教授(ACM/IEEE Fellow)团队紧密合作,提供赴美国交流访问的机会以及继续深造推荐
- 对计算智能、深度学习、AutoML等相关领域有浓厚的兴趣
- 有良好的自驱力,在科研方面拥有饱满的热情
- 拥有良好的编程能力
- 加分项:
- 具有一定的科研经历,了解计算智能或深度学习领域的科研现状
- 较好的英文读写能力
📎[email protected]📎
Hello, this is Zhichao Lu, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong (CityU). I am constantly looking for people with strong programming skills to work on problems at the intersection of deep learning and computational intelligence. If you are interested, I have multiple PhD, Joint PhD, Part-time PhD, Postdoc, RA, and Visiting positions available. Please see the following link for details:
📎[url=[]][] 📎
A brief bio: I received both Bachelor and Ph.D degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Michigan State University under the supervision of Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb. In the broad context of AI, my current research focuses on the intersections of evolutionary computation, learning, and optimization, notably on developing efficient and automated ML/DL algorithms and systems, with the overarching goal of making AI accessible to everyone. More information about me is available from
📎 [url=[]][]📎
研究方向: 计算智能、深度学习、AutoML及其他相关领域,更多信息请访问个人主页
- 研究方向讲求科研价值与实际系统落地相统一,科研、找工相互促进
- 团队与华为、腾讯等企业界联系紧密,积极提供互联网大厂实习内推
- 与美国密歇根州立大学Kalyanmoy Deb教授(ACM/IEEE Fellow)团队紧密合作,提供赴美国交流访问的机会以及继续深造推荐
- 对计算智能、深度学习、AutoML等相关领域有浓厚的兴趣
- 有良好的自驱力,在科研方面拥有饱满的热情
- 拥有良好的编程能力
- 加分项:
- 具有一定的科研经历,了解计算智能或深度学习领域的科研现状
- 较好的英文读写能力
📎[email protected]📎
Hello, this is Zhichao Lu, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong (CityU). I am constantly looking for people with strong programming skills to work on problems at the intersection of deep learning and computational intelligence. If you are interested, I have multiple PhD, Joint PhD, Part-time PhD, Postdoc, RA, and Visiting positions available. Please see the following link for details:
📎[url=[]][] 📎
A brief bio: I received both Bachelor and Ph.D degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Michigan State University under the supervision of Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb. In the broad context of AI, my current research focuses on the intersections of evolutionary computation, learning, and optimization, notably on developing efficient and automated ML/DL algorithms and systems, with the overarching goal of making AI accessible to everyone. More information about me is available from
📎 [url=[]][]📎