FIU佛罗里达国际大学计算机学院 AIoT Lab招收多名全奖博士

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1) 学校简介: 佛罗里达国际大学 (FIU) 是一所公立 R1 研究型大学,被《美国新闻和世界报道》评为前 50 名创新公立大学。学校成立于 1965 年,其校区位于美国十大热门城市之一迈阿密,占地面积 243 万平方米, 2021 年秋季在校学生高达 56592 人,学校规模排全美公立大学前十名,其中包括 16730 名研究生。迈阿密拥有美国最美的海滩,全年气候温和(10~35℃),购物方便,科研生活两不误。迈阿密被《福布斯》评为 “美国最干净的城市”。迈阿密也拥有 1000 多家跨国公司,为学生提供了很好的实习机会。

计算机学院(Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences)是 FIU 的前 5 个最大学院之一,目前有 38名研究教授和23名教学教授,300 多名研究生,总科研经费支出全美第 38 名。 近期计算机学院更是受到校友 1千万美金捐款($10 Million)以及学校 1.06 亿美金配套经费($106 Million),接下来 10 年中学院以研究为导向大力发展研究生的科研和教育,以及引进 20 个新的教授, 并且提高实验室环境和资源。

另外佛罗里达国际大学最近排名大幅提高,U.S. News 美国公立大学排名64和美国国家大学排名124,其他机构排名如下,参考学校排名网站:
(1)The Wall Street Journal ranked
(2)Washington Monthly (first in Florida) based on its commitment to social mobility, public service, and research.
(3)Degree Choices ranked FIU for students’ return on investment, based on the cost of attending and the earnings a student can expect
(4) In June, according to the Florida Board of Governors flbog.eduflbog.edumetrics.
(5)Earlier this year, U.S. News and World Report ranked FIU Law – and No. 32 among public schools. FIU Law is among the top three law schools in the state. 

2)        导师介绍: Dr. Xuyu Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University in 2018. His research interests include trustworthy AI,  generative AI, wireless sensing, Internet of Things, smart health, wireless localization, wireless networks, quantum machine learning, and IoT security. He received the NSF CRII Award in 2021. He was a co-recipient of the ACM FAcct 2023 Best Paper Award, the 2022 Best Journal Paper Award of IEEE ComSoc eHealth Technical Committee, the IEEE INFOCOM 2022 Best Demo Award, the IEEE ICC 2022 Best Paper Award, the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Best Paper Award, the IEEE ComSoc MMTC Best Journal Paper Award in 2018, the IEEE PIMRC 2017 Best Student Paper Award, the IEEE SECON 2017 Best Demo Award, and the Second Prize of the Natural Scientific Award of the Ministry of Education, China, in 2013. He was invited to organize AI health tutorials at CVPR 2020, ICC 2022, CVPR 2022, and CVPR 2023, a special session at IEEE BHI 2021, and give a keynote speech at CVPM 2020. He is an editor of Elsevier Book titled "Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring". He is also an associate editor of Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks, and a guest editor of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He was also a co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2023 Workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless).


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(3)项目介绍:当前AIoT实验室已经获得多项美国自然科学基金支持,主要集中在设计和应用Trustworthy AI and Generative AI (e.g., Foundation Models)在智能健康,人机交互, 无线和移动系统,无线感知,以及IoT安全等等。研究项目如下:

  • Principal Investigator (Collaborative PIs: Dr. Shiwen Mao at Auburn University, Dr. Harrison Bai at John Hopkins University, and Dr. Zhicheng Jiao at Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University),“Collaborative Research: SCH: AI-driven RFID Sensing for Smart Health Applications”, NSF, $300,000, 08/15/2023 - 7/31/2027. The total amount of the grant is nearly $1.2M.
  • Principal Investigator (Collaborative PIs: Dr. Shiwen Mao at Auburn University, and Guanqun Cao at Michigan State University),“Collaborative Research: IMR: MM-1A: Functional Data Analysis-aided Learning Methods for Robust Wireless Measurements”, NSF, $196,569, 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2026. The total amount of the grant is nearly $600,000.
  • Principal Investigator (Collaborative PIs: Dr. Shiwen Mao at Auburn University, Dr. Slobodan Vucetic and Dr. Jie Wu at Temple University), “Collaborative Research: BPC Supplement: Data Augmentation and Adaptive Learning for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Systems”, NSF, $54,823.00, 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2024. The total amount of the grant is nearly $240,000.
  • Principal Investigator (Collaborative PIs: Dr. Shiwen Mao at Auburn University, Dr. Slobodan Vucetic and Dr. Jie Wu at Temple University),“Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium: Data Augmentation and Adaptive Learning for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Systems”, NSF, $279,946, 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2024. The total amount of the grant is nearly $1.2M.
  • Principal Investigator, “CRII: CNS: RUI: Exploiting Robust Deep Learning Framework for Wireless Localization Systems in Adversarial IoT Environments”, NSF, $174,999, 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2024.
  • Senior Personnel, “ NSF REU SITE: ASSET: Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies”, PI (Niki Pissinou), NSF, $405,000.00, 03/1/2023-2/28/2026.
  • Trustworthy AI (e.g., Robustness, Privacy, Explainability, Fairness, and Adaptation) in Wireless, Smart Health, LLM, HCI, and other IoT Systems
  • Generative AI, Multimodal AI (e.g., Vision, Audio, Text, Sensors), and Edge AI for Wireless, Smart Health, LLM, HCI, Underwater, Environmental Monitoring, Autonomous Car/Drone/Robot, AR/VR/MR, and Digital Twin
  • AI-driven IoT Security in Device Fingerprinting, Wireless Sensing, LEO Satellite, Smart Speaker, Autonomous Car/Drone/Robot, and AR/VR/MR
  • Quantum Machine Learning for IoT Sensing, Communication, and Spectrum Systems
  • Key Technologies for the Next Generation Backscatter-driven IoT Systems (RFID, LoRa, WiFi, and Radar): Localization, Sensing, and Communications

RA Positions Available (Starting Fall 2024)

I am looking for highly self-motivated graduate students (PhD students) who are interested in (i)trustworthy AI (e.g., robustness, privacy, explainability, fairness, and adaptation), generative AI, and multimodal AI in wireless, smart health, LLM, HCI, and other IoT systems; (ii)edge AI systems (e.g., light-weight LLM) and smart health systems; (iii)AI-driven next-generation wireless and sensing systems by using SDR devices (e.g., USRP), RFID, mmWave, Wi-Fi, FPGA, or PCB hardware; (iv)AI-driven IoT security in device fingerprinting, wireless sensing, LEO satellite, smart speaker, autonomous car/drone/robot, and AR/VR/MR; (v)quantum machine learning for IoT sensing and communications in 2024-2029 year. If you are interested, please send me an email with your CV and transcripts.

申请Spring 2024或Fall 2024的CS PhD, 只需要托福成绩,欢迎发邮件联系([email protected]),附带简历,成绩单以及英语成绩! 欢迎CS,ECE, 自动化,数学统计或者熟悉深度学习,物联网,无线,以及移动系统的学生联系。