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佛罗里达州立大学量子中心招聘博后fellowship,待遇优厚,年薪$65k = 474,779 人民币。 量子研究相关领域均可考虑,具有量子光学,2d样品器件和测量,纳米光学扫描,stm等研究背景优先,感兴趣的可以联系教授本人,[email protected]; [email protected]。 细节如下
Florida State University seeks multiple postdoctoral fellows to join the FSU Quantum Initiative. Applicants with research interests in all areas of Quantum Science and Engineering, ranging from quantum algorithms to quantum materials and devices, are invited to apply. Successful applicants will be hosted by FSU Quantum faculty members. Applicants interested in this opportunity are encouraged to contact prospective faculty advisors (sponsors) to discuss potential research plans. Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. within the last five years (but exceptions can be made on an individual basis) and must have demonstrated a strong record of academic and research accomplishments. The FSU Quantum Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for a two-year appointment, providing the annual salary of $65,000 and benefits.
Interested applicants should email the following materials to [email protected]:
* One page statement of prior research accomplishments and research interests that will be pursued at FSU. The statement should identify a FSU Quantum faculty sponsor. The applicants are encouraged to discuss mutual research interests with the faculty sponsor before submitting the application.
* Curriculum vitae, including the complete list of publications (include ORCID number and/or WoS number, if available), awards, and science/engineering education/mentorship activities.
* A minimum two letters of reference sent on applicant’s behalf to [email protected]. In addition, a letter of endorsement from the FSU Quantum Faculty Sponsor is encouraged.
Official graduate transcripts will be required from successful applicants to whom formal offers of employment have been extended.
To ensure full consideration, please submit applications by October 31, 2023. The positions will remain open until filled. The appointment will commence on or about January 1, 2024.
All application materials should be submitted in PDF format by email to [email protected]. The Florida State University is An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.
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