学校:University of Delaware
院系:Computer & Information Sciences
研究方向:Machine Learning, Scientific Machine Learning, and Computer Vision.
开始时间:2024 Spring
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1. CV;
2. 本科与研究生成绩单,以及专业排名情况;
3. 托福或雅思成绩,GRE成绩;
4. 其他材料比如已(将)发表论文,报告,GitHub主页等。
Dr. Xi Peng joined the University of Delaware (UD) in 2019. He received the PhD degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University in 2018. Dr. Peng is holding three positions at UD:
Dr. Peng is the leader of the Deep-REAL research group at UD. His research interests primarily focus on two areas: (1) Trustworthy Machine Learning, specifically in the domains of robustness, explainability, and scalability; and (2) Scientific Machine Learning for high-stakes safety-critical applications in Geoscience and Bioscience. Dr. Peng's research has resulted in over 50 publications over 3,500 citations, including notable venues such as TPAMI, TNNLS, IJCV, TIP, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, IJCAI, and KDD. He also holds multiple US patents. His research work has garnered recognition, including the Best Paper Award at the NeurIPS'21 MLPH workshop and the Best Student Paper Runner-up Award at ECCV'16. Dr. Peng’s research has received support from the federal agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), industrial research awards such as Google Faculty Research Award and Snap Research Award, as well as academic research awards such as General University Research Award (GUR) and University of Delaware Research Foundation Award (UDRF).
Deep-REAL (Deep Robust & Explainable AI Lab): deep-real.github.io
实验室目前有七名博士生以及多名本科生。大多数博士生在第一或第二年时开始在各大顶级学术会议上发表研究论文。例如,实验室首位博士生自2020年春季入学以来,已在CVPR’20, CVPR’21, TPAMI’21, ICLR’23, CVPR’23发表了多篇高质量论文,其个人引用超过450次。
实验室与工业界保持紧密的合作关系。多名优秀学生被推荐至北美顶级AI研究实验室进行实习和研究合作。其中包括Google Research, Snap Research, Amazon AWS, and IBM Watson Research等知名机构。实验室目前主要研究方向:
学校:University of Delaware
院系:Computer & Information Sciences
研究方向:Machine Learning, Scientific Machine Learning, and Computer Vision.
开始时间:2024 Spring
- Out-of-distribution generalization;
- Explainable machine learning;
- Domain adaptation/generalization;
- Foundation models.
- 计算机,电子,或数学相关专业本科或以上学历;
- 良好GPA记录,专业排名靠前比如前20%;
- 本科同学不要求有论文,但最好有机器学习相关研究经历;
- 托福85分以上,免GRE成绩。
有兴趣同学请发送下列材料到 1point3acres.com
1. CV;
2. 本科与研究生成绩单,以及专业排名情况;
3. 托福或雅思成绩,GRE成绩;
4. 其他材料比如已(将)发表论文,报告,GitHub主页等。
- csrankings.org(Dr. Xi Peng ranked 1st in CIS department and 2nd university-wise)
- usnews.com
- usnews.com
- en.wikipedia.org
Dr. Xi Peng joined the University of Delaware (UD) in 2019. He received the PhD degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University in 2018. Dr. Peng is holding three positions at UD:
- Assistant Professor,cis.udel.edu
- Resident Faculty,dsi.udel.edu
- Affiliate Faculty,denin.udel.edu
Dr. Peng is the leader of the Deep-REAL research group at UD. His research interests primarily focus on two areas: (1) Trustworthy Machine Learning, specifically in the domains of robustness, explainability, and scalability; and (2) Scientific Machine Learning for high-stakes safety-critical applications in Geoscience and Bioscience. Dr. Peng's research has resulted in over 50 publications over 3,500 citations, including notable venues such as TPAMI, TNNLS, IJCV, TIP, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, IJCAI, and KDD. He also holds multiple US patents. His research work has garnered recognition, including the Best Paper Award at the NeurIPS'21 MLPH workshop and the Best Student Paper Runner-up Award at ECCV'16. Dr. Peng’s research has received support from the federal agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), industrial research awards such as Google Faculty Research Award and Snap Research Award, as well as academic research awards such as General University Research Award (GUR) and University of Delaware Research Foundation Award (UDRF).
Deep-REAL (Deep Robust & Explainable AI Lab): deep-real.github.io
实验室目前有七名博士生以及多名本科生。大多数博士生在第一或第二年时开始在各大顶级学术会议上发表研究论文。例如,实验室首位博士生自2020年春季入学以来,已在CVPR’20, CVPR’21, TPAMI’21, ICLR’23, CVPR’23发表了多篇高质量论文,其个人引用超过450次。
实验室与工业界保持紧密的合作关系。多名优秀学生被推荐至北美顶级AI研究实验室进行实习和研究合作。其中包括Google Research, Snap Research, Amazon AWS, and IBM Watson Research等知名机构。实验室目前主要研究方向:
- Machine Learning: (Robust Optimization; Explainable ML; Collaborative Learning)
- Scientific Machine Learning: (AI/ML + Climate Change)
- Human-centered Computer Vision: (AI/ML + Biomechanics)